How I Learned Touch Tying

How I Learned Touch Tying

Hello everyone! Today, I will share my journey of how I learned touch typing, the motivation behind it, and the resources I used to achieve proficiency in touch typing.

I began learning touch typing in September 2020. Over the course of around 8 to 9 months, I practiced on and off, dedicating approximately 10-30 minutes per day. Eventually, I reached a speed of 75 words per minute.

As a computer engineer, coding is a significant part of my daily routine, and I wanted to enhance my speed while coding. Additionally, as a blogger, touch typing has proven to be a significant time-saver.

Resources I used

There are three main resources that I utilized, and continue to use, whenever I want to improve my touch typing:

  1. typingclub

    This website offers both free and paid versions. While the paid version provides additional lessons and interactive games, I found the free version to be more than sufficient. It covers all the lessons with video tutorials, making it an excellent starting point for anyone looking to learn touch typing.

  2. keybr

    Keybr is primarily used for typing practice. It identifies the mistakes you make while typing certain letters or words and presents them more frequently, helping you become more comfortable with those specific characters.

    Additionally, you can include capital letters and other punctuation characters for practice. The website also provides a comprehensive progress profile, including heatmaps, graphs, and comparisons of your typing speed against other users.

  3. typelit

    This website allows you to practice typing entire books listed on their platform. You progress through the book page by page, and afterward, it provides statistics on your average typing speed and accuracy for that page.

The image below illustrates the days on which I practiced touch typing. The darker the color, the more time I spent typing.

Days on calendar where I practiced touch typing

You can try the resources I mentioned to learn touch typing. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to share them in the comment section.